Well, I should have written last week, that way it could have been two shorter posts...instead, I am writing a long one!
After my doctors appt last week, I was extremely happy. Dr Ted took me off of bed rest as long as I promised to take it easy (really take it easy, not my version of it) and take two 1-hour naps (at least lay there doing nothing) twice a day. He also said that of COURSE I could pick Freddy up! I couldn't be happier! I was also given permision to go camping, only because I would be with my family. The only thing that didn't go my way was work. I am completely done until the babies are born. Though I am so happy that the babies are doing great, I am still worried. It was a real wake-up call after talking to Dr Ted. I guess even though I knew that there could be problems, I figured that things would be running smooth. I have been pretty bummed about everything since it happened, and I hope that I can come out of my slump.
Camping this weekend was GREAT. Freddy is offically a camper! He did so good, we were so pround of him. Though he was fussy in the car (I was too), he was wonderful at camp. He slept all night, took his naps, at well, played, and for the most part was a happy little boy! Well with the exception of when I took him in the pool. He still isn't a water baby. Two very big milestones occured this weekend though. First, Freddy said Ma Ma!!! I cried...wich wasn't good beause I was driving! He likes to joke about it though. He says it sporatically, but when you ask him to say "mama", he says "dada" and laughs! Second, Freddy walked!! He took 5-6 steps, and then did it again and again. He only takes a few steps and then gets down to crawl, but he can do it!!

Dennis and I had a good time as well. I was so happy to see Aunt Ro, Uncle Eric, and Katie! It's been since we went out there in January! Dennis got a chance to go kayaking...and really had a wonderful time. Though he wont admit that he is sore! lol Overall, it really was a great weekend.
We got home yesterday and spent the afternoon unpacking, cleaning, and resting up. Dennis had to go into work last night for a function that they participate in every year. I spent the evening with his parents and sister so that they could see Freddy.
This morning I had to take Freddy to the doctors. He is doing great. 29 3/4 inches, 21.5 lbs. He is staying right on his curve! The Dr suggested that we take away one of his milk bottles. He thinks that he may eat a bit better if we do that. Even though he is eating good, he can be pretty picky, and then he will only take his milk. Anyways...we will see how that goes!
As for me, I had to call my doctor today because I had a bit of spotting this morning. They told me to rest and drink a lot of water for the evening and night. I already am going in tomorrow morning, so they said that unless i have more spotting or cramping to keep my appointment and we will take it from there. I just hope that Dr Ted doesn't put me on bedrest again.
Since we are really poor because I am out of work, we are having Mac and Cheese for dinner...guess I better hop to it!
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