At my appointment, the twins were doing great. Their heart rates were both right around 140bpm and they each weigh 1lb 2oz. The technician told me that was a little big, but nothing to be concerned with. YEAH RIGHT! I'm the one carrying them. Tomorrow I see Dr Ted, so I will ask him. Also during the ultrasound, Dr Dexter came in to check their hearts to see that they were functioning properly, and they were doing great!! Here are some of the ultrasound pictures!
When I got back to my parents, Freddy was out walking with Pip. Apparently Pip got mad that Mim didn't take Freddy to see the construction trucks! So Pip took him for a second walk so that Freddy didn't miss out. When they got back, we played in the house until it was time for lunch and a nap. Freddy did great taking a 2 and 1/2 to a 3 hour nap! And boy did we have fun when he woke up!
Freddy had his yogurt and crackers on the deck with me and Mim. Then he wanted to play in the grass so we went over near where Pip was working on the new shed. Now, I haven't updated you too much on Freddy's walking. But, he is doing great! He is discovering that he can get places quicker if he walks, so he is doing it a LOT more! Especially when he is outside! He was having some trouble with the hills at Mim and Pip's however! He would start walking and then he would stumble down the hill. But all in all he did great! He even helped Pip build the shed!
When he was bored with that, Mim and I took him out front to play. Of course he loved the little pond and fountain that they have out front. So no matter what he went over t it. I put his feet in it, thinking that would keep him away since he hasn't liked the pool, but that didn't stop him. He even fell in (one leg up to his knee cause I was holding him) and thought that it was funny! Needless to say he scared the little froggy that was sunbathing, but the frog just jumped in the water to protect himself from the Freddy-Monster!

Freddy walking in Mim and Pip's back yard! He is very proud of himself!!

Pip's little helper! (I remember when I was his little helper!!)

Freddy playing in the pond, before he scared the froggy. If you look closely at the bottom right of the pond you will see a little frog in the sunshine!
Freddy and I had to stop at the store on the way home, so we gave hugs and kisses to Mim and Pip and thanked them for a great day! We got home the same time as Daddy, and much to our surprise, Freddy had a package on the porch!! It was from Mim and Pip!! They ordered cloth diapers for Freddy! This is what the card said:
"Freddy J, Mim and Pip want you to be just like your brothers! Only the best for our boy!
Love ya, Mim and Pip."
Dennis and I were very happy with the surprise! Now we can test them out and get good at them before we have the twins! Also, we are going to save about $40 a month on Freddy's diapers alone! Plus, they are really cute!
Just when we thought we couldn't have a better day, it was a perfect night for a campfire! After Freddy went to sleep, Dennis and I joined Michelle, Nick, Kelly, and Jeremy for a campfire and some good laughs. What a day... :-)
Becky, Those diaper covers really are cute. I can't wait to see how they work out for him.
Becky - how exciting! You sound great. Before I forget, my crazy sister Robin is making her own cloth diapers and burp cloths. Her little one arrives in october and they are going to do disposable to start, then cloth. Also, she makes her own wipes (just water, baby oil, and paper towels!). Ok, I should email you. Bye! Heather
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