Monday, September 1, 2008

Freddy's Big Day

Freddy had quite the day yesterday. It all started when I finally convinced Dennis that we needed to cut Freddy's Hair. I don't know if you could tell by the pictures, but he had these wings...and it was starting to look like a mullet!
Dennis finally agreed that I could cut those few hairs. He was however, very upset when I asked him to hold Freddy..."I'll have no part in this,"is what he said. Once he realized it was better to give in and hold him while I had my craft scissors at Freddy's head, he helped me. Four snips later, and our little boy had his first haircut!

Since we were both doing the haircut, I don't have a picture of the act, but he is his cute new do! I wanted to be sure that he looked good for Mim and Pip, since Mim said that she was going to braid his hair the next time she saw him. Since we were going to the fair, we decided it was a good time to do it.

Speaking of the fair...Yesterday we took Freddy to the Schaghticoke Fair...his first fair!!! I was so excited, but Dennis was less than thrilled. You see, 4 years ago when Dennis and I were first together, I took him to the Saratoga County Fair. This was his first time going to the fair, at least that he could remember. I had a GREAT time, but when we got to the car to go home, all Dennis said was, "um, it was OK. Now you go EVERY year?" Needless to say, Dennis never went with me again...until now! No matter what Dennis thinks of fairs, I wanted to go, bring Freddy, and have a good time. It took a lot of convincing, but I told him that I was going one way or another, and he was welcome to come. So, the three of us headed down to Mim and Pips to go to the fair!
We went down early so that Freddy would be able to take his nap there, and then we would leave. Well, Freddy didn't really nap, but Dennis did!! At 3, we headed to Schaghticoke. We parked at Aunt Kathy and Uncle Bob's, but unfortunately they weren't home. Off to the Fair...

The first thing that we did was go through the horse stables. Freddy wasn't to happy there. I don't know if it was the large animals, the sounds that they were making, the smell, or a combination. But he wasn't happy in there. Then we headed over to the craft, far, food, and commercial buildings. Dennis was speeding through them, but the rest of us were busy concentrating on the quits, photographs, paintings, farm equipment, and other great things from the fair. Freddy was able to sit in a saddle, "drive" a tractor, and stand next to the county's biggest pumpkin!! When we left the buildings, we went to the Army tent where Freddy signed a car that they were going to demolish and then sit in a REAL hummer!

After that we walked all around to see the rides and games. We were going to try to take him on the Merry-Go-Round, but he was too little...even if we held him. Instead, Mom (Mim) found a sketch artist and had him draw Freddy. Thank goodness the man was a speedy artist! Freddy wasn't happy just sitting there. The picture came out beautiful, I can't wait to see where Mom and Dad hang it. After that, we walked around for a bit more and then got our dinner. I had my corn dog that I have been raving about all summer (Mom had one too), Melissa had her funnel cake, Dennis had a burger, and Dad had his sausage and peppers. Freddy didn't want too much of his food, but we planned on that. Dad cut off some of his sausage for Freddy. HE LOVED IT! We have come to the conclusion that sausage is Freddy's favorite food!

After dinner, I know that I was ready to go, and thankfully everyone else was too! We all headed back to Mom and Dad's house. Dennis and I wanted to get Freddy ready for bed and give him his bottle so that he would sleep in the car on the way home and then we could just put him right to bed. Freddy had his bath in the sink while playing with a wooden spoon, and then ran away from me when I tried to get him dressed!

When he finally let me get him dressed, he started to show us how tired he really was. We gave him his milk and then he just cuddled with Dennis. he was too tired to even move. Dennis had to help Dad move a piece of furniture upstairs before we left, and that gave me a chance to snuggle with Freddy. Finally hugs and kisses were given, and Dennis and I took a sleepy little boy back home to dream about all the adventures that he had! What a great day!

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