A lot of people ask me, "how do you do it?" or They may just comment, "I don't know how you do it?" Well, I am going to take a stab at telling you how, as I am going through it all!!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Freddy and I had a playdate!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Melissa offered us her Dresser and Desk that she had growing up (it was also Mom's). She also is giving us storage cubes that we are going to use to organize his closet (they are the same that are in the nursery if you have seen them). We also bought a toddler bed off of craigslist for him that is already in the room. Well, since Melissa is trying to get her apt cleaned out so that she can move, we are getting all her furniture next weekend, so we had to have the room ready.
So we made plans on what pieces will go where and what we are going to get rid of. Yesterday morning Kelly came over to help me clear the room of the stuff, then Jeremy helped Dennis move all the furniture. What did we do with it all you ask...ITS ALL IN THE HALLWAY AND OUR ROOM!!!
On top of that, we found a really great deal on craigslist for a crib and changing table. Mom and Dad had offered to buy that for us as a shower gift, so we jumped at the chance! The only thing, they wanted us to get it yesterday. So in the middle of all that, we went to Saratoga to buy THAT furniture, and then bring it to our existing messy home! Needless to say, I didn't sleep well last night!
So, I woke up this morning and just started to tackle the mess. Freddy is wonderful in the morning, and is very content to play in his corral and watch Mickey Mouse. So I had about 1 hour to get stuff done, plus a little extra before Dennis went to work. This morning, I finished up my craft corner. We have a landing behind the stairs that we use for Macy's area. Well i put my desk and craft cabinet back there. Along with a bookshelf that is holding the stuff from our computer desk. The suitcases are either under our bed or in the closet. Our coats miraculously fit in the closet (after I got rid of 5!!). I have a pile for the salvation army, and a bag full of garbage. After and hour of work this morning, I feel a lot better about the situation!
We still have to go through the stuff in the hallway, but most of that are Dennis's books. I am not sure what he wanted to keep and what he wanted to get rid of. Other than that, we just have to make a trip to the salvation army next weekend for the two pieces of furniture and bags of stuff!
Now, the fun begins! Next weekend when Freddy's furniture gets here, I will be able to set up his big-boy room!! Then I can tackle the nursery and get that all ready for the twins! I am hoping to have EVERYTHING done by the end of September. I know that gives me a month, but its going to be a lot of work! Plus, while I am doing that, Dennis gets to take care of the garage...I DEFINITELY got the better part of the bargain!! I will update with pictures as things get done!
Friday, August 22, 2008
It started with a bucked and sunflower seeds that Melissa gave me for my birthday. Though I planted too many seeds, had bird seed fall into and therefore had birds eat out of the bucket, and over watered...I have a flower!!! With at least one more prospect!
After I planted those, I thought that I should try to have another plant. So I went to walmart and got this purple flowered hanging basket...it was on sale for $10, how could I go wrong? I have had it hanging on my front porch all
All and all, I am very proud of myself and my plants. Now if i can get them to last through the fall and winter, it will be a miracle!!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
What a day!!
At my appointment, the twins were doing great. Their heart rates were both right around 140bpm and they each weigh 1lb 2oz. The technician told me that was a little big, but nothing to be concerned with. YEAH RIGHT! I'm the one carrying them. Tomorrow I see Dr Ted, so I will ask him. Also during the ultrasound, Dr Dexter came in to check their hearts to see that they were functioning properly, and they were doing great!! Here are some of the ultrasound pictures!

Saturday, August 16, 2008
What a great day!! And I forgot my camera...
Well Dennis, Freddy, and I went today. We were very excited to see Michele and her family...we haven't seen them in a while. As well as Nell and her kids, and Nancy and Linda and their families! We also saw a few people from the VA who I haven't seen in a while.
The really great part was that there were going to be 3 other kids Freddy's age! Nancy's twins Patrick and Kari, and Mary-Jo's god-child Morgan (she came a little later). Freddy did great playing with them. He flirted with Kari, played ball with Patrick, but didn't interact too much with Morgan. He was in there about an hour with the twins and did great. I was so impressed. He did have a problem when the twins got a cracker and he didn't, but another cracker quickly solve that problem. At one point he crawled over to Kari and wanted to stand up, but in order to do so he grabbed onto the back of her skirt and pulled himself up!!! It was quite funny.
Dennis and I had a great time visiting with friends. We didn't bet since that means we wouldn't lose any money. But all in all, it was a great day! I am just REALLY mad that I forgot my camera!!! What kind of mom am I????
Friday, August 15, 2008
Official names...
Liam Patrick (nickname Lee) and Rory Jacob (nickname RJ)!!!
Sorry for the short post, but I wanted to let you all know!!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Just a bunch of big kids!
Everyone getting ready to swim!
Dennis and Nick "Swimming!"
Kelly and Jeremy "swimming." Is it me or does Kelly look like she is about to KILL Jeremy?!?!
The official Olympic footage
Kelly and Jeremy playing Guitar Hero, while Charlie poses for the camera!
Good times had by all...but now I have to get my hands ona Wii!!! haha Christmas maybe? Mom?? :)
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Dennis and I had a good time as well. I was so happy to see Aunt Ro, Uncle Eric, and Katie! It's been since we went out there in January! Dennis got a chance to go kayaking...and really had a wonderful time. Though he wont admit that he is sore! lol Overall, it really was a great weekend.
We got home yesterday and spent the afternoon unpacking, cleaning, and resting up. Dennis had to go into work last night for a function that they participate in every year. I spent the evening with his parents and sister so that they could see Freddy.
This morning I had to take Freddy to the doctors. He is doing great. 29 3/4 inches, 21.5 lbs. He is staying right on his curve! The Dr suggested that we take away one of his milk bottles. He thinks that he may eat a bit better if we do that. Even though he is eating good, he can be pretty picky, and then he will only take his milk. Anyways...we will see how that goes!
As for me, I had to call my doctor today because I had a bit of spotting this morning. They told me to rest and drink a lot of water for the evening and night. I already am going in tomorrow morning, so they said that unless i have more spotting or cramping to keep my appointment and we will take it from there. I just hope that Dr Ted doesn't put me on bedrest again.
Since we are really poor because I am out of work, we are having Mac and Cheese for dinner...guess I better hop to it!