Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Last night, after work, I went to the store to get the couple of things that I forgot to get earlier (must remember lists!!).  When I got home, I realized that I forgot the most important ingredient for the french toast...the bread!!  Seriously, how do i make it through a day???  So, Dennis went back out for me to get the bread, while I started to get things in order.  When Dennis came back with the bread, I prepped the french toast bake...and then looked at the kitchen.  I really didn't want to clean, so I decided that I would just wake up extra early to clean and finish breakfast. 

I woke up at 530, not happily, and walked downstairs to find that Dennis stayed up and cleaned everything!  I was so excited, that I almost didn't curl up on the chaise and go back to sleep...almost :)

Everything was so lovely this morning.  Mom, Dad, Sueanne, Meredeth, Dennis, the boys, and I enjoyed a great breakfast and wonderful company.  Mom and Sueanne seemed to like their gifts (I am taking Mom out to dinner, and Dennis is taking Sueanne out to dinner - they choose), the boys liked playing with everyone, and I had a really nice time. 

Now, I would be a liar if I said that it had nothing to do with my presents...because everyone Noe's how much I LOVE presents!!!  Dennis and the boys got me a Sony Reader, the pocket edition.  Sueanne and Jimmy got me a gift card for the reader.  Now get this...Mom and Dad gave me a work order...they are going to fix my upstairs bathroom!!  Mom is going to paint it for me and Dad is going to fix my plumbing!!!  I am going to get my Pink Girly Bathroom!!!  All boys allowed!!!!  I am going to sit in my Pink Bathroom with candles and pretty things and read ebooks on my Sony Reader...for about 5 minutes until RJ climbs the bookshelf, Freddy pushes Liam, and Harley and Macy start fighting!!! 

I love my life :)

Thanks for a great day everyone!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Happy Mother's Day!