His party was on Saturday the 12th. Freddy started the day out very grumpy, but by the time his guests arrived, he was in a great mood. All we had to do was keep feeding him! lol he was great when we were opening presents, singing to him , and he LOVED his cupcakes. He had two because he had to taste both vanilla and chocolate! Of course the family that doesn't love him one bit (HA) spoiled him! He got so many great things that he loves to play with. Mom and Dad's favorite is the baby cage! However horrible it sounds, it is huge (there are 3 extra sides that are not shown in the picture below) and has lights, sounds, and toys attached to it! THE ABSOLUTE BEST THING IN THE WORLD!!!
Freddy had a great day, and slept like a log that night. Only to get sick the next day. He had his first fever and wasn't feeling that great for a couple of days. Not that it was anything to keep Freddy down for long...he is back to his normal self getting into mischief any way that he can! And I love every minute of it!!

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