Well, its been one week (and know I have the bearnaked ladies sone in my head) since I have been on bedrest. So far, I have only had one really bad day, and one emotion driven argument. Everyone has been really great to Dennis and I...spending a lot of their free time coming over here to make sure that I have help for Freddy. Even Kelly and Michelle (my neighbors). Actually they did the nicest thing for me. Right after they found out that I was on bedrest, they went to the store and got a ton of fruit to make a fruit bouquet! They also made chocolate covered strawberries! It was so sweet of them...and the fruit was DELICIOUS!!!
The other day when my parents were here, I made a bunch of earrings for the store. I have been working on an intricate piece since then, but it hasn't gone so well. My goal for today and tomorrow is to finish that one! I would also like to make a few more chain maille bracelets and finish up a necklace that I started.
Friday Nana came up to spend the day with Freddy and I, wich is the first time we have seen her since she left for Nebraska!! It was a great to spend the day with her and visit. She brought over Freddy's birthday present (which Dennis and I put together yesterday). She got him a Yankee's plate set as well as a Firetruck ride-on covered car thing!! It is the cutest!!
Mom is coming up this morning, and will be here ina few minutes, so I will add more later if I come up with more to say!!
A lot of people ask me, "how do you do it?" or They may just comment, "I don't know how you do it?" Well, I am going to take a stab at telling you how, as I am going through it all!!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Twin Update
Well, we have good news, some bad news (at least for me), and more good news! First I will fill you in on what happened over the weekend (bad and good news)...It is kind of long, so if you just want the bottom line, look for the ***
Last Wednesday, I had a little bleeding. For those of you that remember, I had a lot of issues along those lines with Freddy. Because of that, I wasn't that panicked. I just decided, "OK its time to sit down for a while." Well then I had a little more on Friday and again on Saturday. I was going to call the doctor of Saturday because not only did I have some bleeding, but I was in a lot of pain. Again, I shrugged it off, being that I was at work, and very busy. I thought that I just needed to sit down for a bit. Needless to say, It was Sunday morning and I still hadn't called. Sunday I woke up and had a bit more bleeding. (Let me just explain...and for those of you this may be TMI, so skip over if you want...when I say bleeding, I mean a spot or two of blood...not gushing or needing to wear a pad or anything - therefore I still wasn't panicked) I decided that I needed to call the doctor...figuring that they would tell me to take it easy and come in to the office on Monday morning. WRONG! The Midwife scolded me for not calling on Wednesday and told me to immediately go to the Snuggery (the maternity unit at Glens Falls Hospital). She also said to throw away everything that I know about pregnancy...that twins is VERY different from a regular pregnancy.
So Dennis and I dropped Freddy off at his parents house and off we went. I got there and they hooked me up to a few monitors to check heartbeats (which where great) and to monitor any uterine activity (which there wasn't). After about an hour of monitoring, the doctor came it to check on me She told me that I needed an ultrasound to see if they can find a cause of the bleeding. So off to an ultra sound (not that this is happening as quickly as I am writing, we waiting another hour. But at least I was laying down in a bed). I was MORTIFIED because I had to go on a stretcher, and then have an ultrasound for an hour and a half.
***FINALLY when I was back in my room, the doctor and nurse came in to tell me that one of the placentas (the twins each have there own) was starting to lift up...meaning detach itself from my uterus. It wasn't very much, but enough for bleeding. She explained that I need to stop working and go on bed rest...at least until it heals. She said that the rule of thumb was 2 weeks with no bleeding. That was the bad news. The good news is that the twins are doing great! They are healthy and growing very well.
Everyone came over on Sunday night for Jimmy's birthday and so that I could talk to everyone and solicit some help for the next two weeks, because I wasn't going to be able to take care of Freddy (which upsets me greatly and I cried hysterically for a LONG time when I found out). So needless to say, I have been babysat along with Freddy for 4 days now...and I am going INSANE!! More to follow in another post about that. But let me just say that it has nothing to due with the fact that I have my family around, because I LOVE that part...its that I don't have control of the situations...and for a type A personality...its hard.
On to some more good news...
I had another ultrasound yesterday in Latham...Dennis was able to come with me, so my Mom went. Again, the twins are doing great...and we found out that we are having...2 MORE BOYS!!!! Yea! We are sad that we aren't going to have a girl, but we are thrilled about our 3 boys! Names and ultrasound pics to follow!
So now that I have filled you in on everything...run a mile for me and then drink a beer...I need to live vicariously through you!!
Last Wednesday, I had a little bleeding. For those of you that remember, I had a lot of issues along those lines with Freddy. Because of that, I wasn't that panicked. I just decided, "OK its time to sit down for a while." Well then I had a little more on Friday and again on Saturday. I was going to call the doctor of Saturday because not only did I have some bleeding, but I was in a lot of pain. Again, I shrugged it off, being that I was at work, and very busy. I thought that I just needed to sit down for a bit. Needless to say, It was Sunday morning and I still hadn't called. Sunday I woke up and had a bit more bleeding. (Let me just explain...and for those of you this may be TMI, so skip over if you want...when I say bleeding, I mean a spot or two of blood...not gushing or needing to wear a pad or anything - therefore I still wasn't panicked) I decided that I needed to call the doctor...figuring that they would tell me to take it easy and come in to the office on Monday morning. WRONG! The Midwife scolded me for not calling on Wednesday and told me to immediately go to the Snuggery (the maternity unit at Glens Falls Hospital). She also said to throw away everything that I know about pregnancy...that twins is VERY different from a regular pregnancy.
So Dennis and I dropped Freddy off at his parents house and off we went. I got there and they hooked me up to a few monitors to check heartbeats (which where great) and to monitor any uterine activity (which there wasn't). After about an hour of monitoring, the doctor came it to check on me She told me that I needed an ultrasound to see if they can find a cause of the bleeding. So off to an ultra sound (not that this is happening as quickly as I am writing, we waiting another hour. But at least I was laying down in a bed). I was MORTIFIED because I had to go on a stretcher, and then have an ultrasound for an hour and a half.
***FINALLY when I was back in my room, the doctor and nurse came in to tell me that one of the placentas (the twins each have there own) was starting to lift up...meaning detach itself from my uterus. It wasn't very much, but enough for bleeding. She explained that I need to stop working and go on bed rest...at least until it heals. She said that the rule of thumb was 2 weeks with no bleeding. That was the bad news. The good news is that the twins are doing great! They are healthy and growing very well.
Everyone came over on Sunday night for Jimmy's birthday and so that I could talk to everyone and solicit some help for the next two weeks, because I wasn't going to be able to take care of Freddy (which upsets me greatly and I cried hysterically for a LONG time when I found out). So needless to say, I have been babysat along with Freddy for 4 days now...and I am going INSANE!! More to follow in another post about that. But let me just say that it has nothing to due with the fact that I have my family around, because I LOVE that part...its that I don't have control of the situations...and for a type A personality...its hard.
On to some more good news...
I had another ultrasound yesterday in Latham...Dennis was able to come with me, so my Mom went. Again, the twins are doing great...and we found out that we are having...2 MORE BOYS!!!! Yea! We are sad that we aren't going to have a girl, but we are thrilled about our 3 boys! Names and ultrasound pics to follow!
So now that I have filled you in on everything...run a mile for me and then drink a beer...I need to live vicariously through you!!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Freddy's Birthday
Freddy's 1st Birthday was last week (July 8th). I can't believe that he is already a year old. On his birthday, Dennis and I took him to Friendly's, where he ate an entire grilled cheese sandwich, a few fries, and half of his conehead sundae! Here are a few pictures:

After Friendly's we went home and waited for Mim and Pip, Grammy and Pappy, Aunt Mere, and Aunt Moe to come over. Mim and Pip couldn't wait until his party to give Freddy his presents! He was a little afraid of the noise that the paper made when it was being ripped. He LOVES his new slide however! We play on it everyday.
All and all, I think that Freddy had a great first birthday!!

His party was on Saturday the 12th. Freddy started the day out very grumpy, but by the time his guests arrived, he was in a great mood. All we had to do was keep feeding him! lol he was great when we were opening presents, singing to him , and he LOVED his cupcakes. He had two because he had to taste both vanilla and chocolate! Of course the family that doesn't love him one bit (HA) spoiled him! He got so many great things that he loves to play with. Mom and Dad's favorite is the baby cage! However horrible it sounds, it is huge (there are 3 extra sides that are not shown in the picture below) and has lights, sounds, and toys attached to it! THE ABSOLUTE BEST THING IN THE WORLD!!!
Freddy had a great day, and slept like a log that night. Only to get sick the next day. He had his first fever and wasn't feeling that great for a couple of days. Not that it was anything to keep Freddy down for long...he is back to his normal self getting into mischief any way that he can! And I love every minute of it!!

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